Though EOPC concentrates on adult-on-adult online predation; Lori Drew wins our PATHOLOGICAL OF THE YEAR (a new category just for her!) Yes, Lori - you are one of the sickest cyberpaths of all the ones we've seen. And we thought we'd seen it all!
Lori apparently, won't be charged. The law in Missouri has dug in its heels and refuses to say another word about this case.

Good going Lori!!
- You pushed a minor to suicide with your online predation on MySpace.
- You evev involved your teenage daughter & an employee of yours. What a role model!
- Like all cyberpaths now you're upset that you have been exposed and your life is supposedly ruined. Boo hoo.
- You told this dead girl's grieving parents to "give it a rest."
- You got the law to give you a free pass.
- And the media has even let you get away with changing your story AND helped you call people like us a "cybermob" and "internet vigilantes."
EOPC hasn't and won't forget!... We never forget!

Lissa, a cyberpath whose tangled tales and multiple identities messed up more lives than lights on a Christmas Tree, attempted an apology.
A lame one - CLICK HERE.
EOPC does give Lissa credit. For at least trying to stay in touch with and dialogue with her victims - allowing them to vent and discuss. But she loses ground with us when she seems to only see HER pain and not ask about or investigate the pain of others caused by her.
For a little more insight into this type of pathological predator - CLICK HERE.
Have a safe New Year!