We had hoped to touch on the failures of the legal system on not just this case but all cases involving this sort of mental & emotional rape.
We weren't given much of a chance. We were set up to be sandbagged as part of what Fox TV decided is a CYBER MOB.
Despite the fact that we were sandbagged by Dr. Ablow for voicing his own prejudices and Fox for using the pseudonym Fighter - we were happy to do the interview. Why? Because we know the lemmings in the audience don't represent our support base. (There's a reason Dr. Ablow lost his TV show, too!)
In brief:
Tina Meier (Megan's mom) said she supported sites like ours.
Dr. Keith Ablow* made comments about using our FIGHTER pseudonym and agreed with others who inferred we were 'just as bad as Lori Drew' (audience applauded a lot at this) and cyberbullies ourselves.
We were not allowed to make the point that our intent is to validate & help victims, help predators stop - if they want to stop - and to educate others about how this online seduction & manipulation works.
Dr. Ablow inferred EOPC was the "pathological" or sick ones for our efforts to get the laws changed via internet pressure, because we maintain anonymity as "Fighter."
We were also literally cut off a couple times and called part of a "CYBER MOB" at least 3 times - already positioning EOPC in a bad light. The audience was prompted to applaud every time someone on the stage called us out on our anonymity and what our site is about as being "just as bad as the predators" for linking to Lori Drew's personal information.
Let us make these points VERY clear:
1. We do not advocate VIGILANTE JUSTICE. We do NOT consider ourselves a "cyber mob." We consider ourselves CONCERNED CITIZENS. "Cyber Mob" was an inflammatory term used by Fox TV to sensationalize this story.
2. We are posting already available PUBLIC INFORMATION and linking to it; JUST LIKE MANY NEWS SITES. (we were chastised for posting rottenneighbor.com) These sites are for people to read and make up their own minds. The New York Times didn't shy away from naming the Drews! We did nothing that many media outlets did WAAAAY before us. It was already PUBLIC information
3. We know all about the ONLINE DISINHIBITION EFFECT, Dr. Ablow. We have chosen to stay anonymous to protect our FAMILIES - not ourselves. If you read some of the stories of past exposes that we do - you will see we are trying to teach people about the pathological patterns that predators - like Lori Drew, use to lure and hurt VULNERABLE adults. Are we doing the same thing as a cyberbully using a pseudonym? Probably - but our INTENT IS COMPLETELY & UTTERLY DIFFERENT! Like one of our models: Perverted Justice.
4. Do we have transferred anger as victims ourselves, Dr. Ablow? Absolutely - but instead of REVENGE we felt educating people about this sort of internet manipulation and abuse as well as validating and supporting victims was a better use of our anger. And we are now doing the same for the Meier Family - and will continue to.
5. Lastly, we ABSOLUTELY believe that this should be used to PUT PRESSURE on the justice system - which for over a year - has FAILED the MEIER family. CLICK HERE FOR A BETTER SITE ON THAT. Justice does need to do its job, but in Megan's case - we gave it a BIG BIG push.
“There are no words to explain my rage,” Ms. Meier said. “These people were supposed to be our friends.” (New York Times interview)
Many of our own victims have gone to police & prosecutors desperate for help, KNOWING that their cyberpaths have broken laws ALEADY ON THE BOOKS - AND NOTHING was done!
A. Ed Hicks, our first expose: 2 of his wives had to do all the legwork and police did NOTHING until the press & internet got involved. Dr. Phil picked up the story eventually and Hicks spent a year in jail. Though he is BACK on line using a pseudonym.
B. Jeff Dunetz aka YidwithLid aka Sammy Benoit : One of his targets refused to allow us to publish his real name. But eventually Dunetz outed himself. If you search for posts here on EOPC with his nicknames you will get some very educational examples of his 'online manipulation.'
- His targets turned over information they found on him to NYPD Major Case which ended up in the conviction and incarceration of THIS WOMAN. He was using her service for years! (ain't he a nice guy, treating all women like that (including his targets)?)
- One of his victims went to the hospital after it all. Dunetz? well, NOTHING happened to him. Because his wife believed his lies and used her friends in the police force to get him out of trouble. He wasn't even charged with solicitation and promotion of prostitution though there was plenty of hard evidence to charge him and we contacted NYPD, and both the Manhattan & Suffolk County Prosecutor's office because of what we saw. He has NO remorse or compassion for sending two women to the hospital from trauma; even though she tried to prevent him from being arrested!!
- He even sent homemade porn to his targets over the internet - which traumatized at least one of them - who turned it over to the FBI. What was done? NOTHING!! Supposedly this predator's wife pulled strings with their local police dept.
- Dunetz started a hate site (Blogger removed it) about one of his traumatized victims, because he probably feels he GOT AWAY WITH IT and needs someone to blame so he, like Lori Drew, can play victim! No apologies, no feeling bad for what he did - he also refuses to mention his hooker & porn habit -- LIKE THEY NEVER EXISTED (sorry we & the police know different)
C . Nathan E.B. Thomas - Thomas' latest victim has been tracking down information on him to charge him with Bigamy. He's married in the U.S., Canada and possibly Europe! Are the police helping? NO! They are making his victims do all the work - and we are trying to help them take down this serial predator.
THE BOTTOM LINE: an innocent 13 year old is dead over a year and her murderer has yet to be charged with any of the numerous statutes that could (and we believe do) cover this case. Laws need to be changed!! Let's write our lawmakers and get that change!
* UPDATE (2012) Keith Ablow (who is severely anti-gay) has been revealed as the U.S.'s extreme right wing television channel - Fox News - resident 'psychologist hack.' He will go along with, back up or give 'professional credence' to anyone or anything Fox wants him to. Ablow's own television show was cancelled after a few episodes. Mike & Juliet was cancelled shortly after the above. Ablow has been exposed for the paid liar he is.